Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Soccer Girl

We have a five-almost-six year old soccer player in the house.

She's darling!

Hub took her to her first practice and game last night and I met them at the field after work.

She was in her HOT pink socks, pulled aaall the way up (Hub tried to talk her into folding them down but she said Momma said to pull them up high.  Did not.)  Hot pink shorts and a hot pink t-shirt.  None of them matched exactly, but it was good enough for her, which was good enough for us.

Especially since the jersey they gave her is orange and is long enough to be a dress.

Hub said she was SO excited to go and then SO shy once she got there.

Bless her coach's hearts.

I thought she would be the only girl on the team, but another girl came so that makes two.  Phew.

He said when they started the game she just stood there.  Still.  As in not moving.  And watched the other kids run around her.

Then she took a step and started running after the pack of kids.

When I got there she was running around all over the place trying to keep up.  I think she even kicked the ball a few times.


She also can't run without throwing a skip in there every once in a while.

It's pretty awesome. She had fun and can't wait to do it again. She also went home and put her shin guards and cleats away so she would know where they are.

After all her years of supporting her brothers, I think she felt pretty good to have us all there cheering her on.

How fun is that?!

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