Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings turn into a circus at our house.

Our church service starts at 11 am.  That takes a little pressure off me trying to get everyone there bright-eyed-and-bushy-tailed by 9am. Somehow, even though we, (haha, ok, let's be real here, I) try to prepare and be ready for it, we're still almost late every Sunday.

That's a little frustrating.

There's usually one of us that's not quite done.  Jam on the face, right tie wrong shirt, right shirt wrong tie, stained tights on backwards or inside out, mismatched socks, forgot my jewelry. It's just not the end of the world but it still causes me to sigh, close my eyes and pray for patience.

Then there was T's hair cutting event that I really need to document.  That pretty much tops them all.

Oh, that boy.

I try to keep my cool, I really do.

Our kids are awesome, I must say though, because once we're there, they behave.  Like, really well.

They don't squirm.  They don't figet.  Ok, they do a little, but the days of us taking them out to the lobby (which never happened much because we made sure the lobby was way worse than staying in the chapel and behaving) or having to bring suitcases full of quiet games, toys and books are long gone.

They don't rely on devices to keep them entertained.  No phones, pads or tablets.  They each have a small notebook and a pencil.

Also, not a Sunday goes by that someone doesn't say something nice about one of our kids.

'That boy of yours is sooo handsome!  And polite!'

'I just love watching your little girl, she is sooo cute!'

To which I wholeheartedly agree, of course, and it warms my heart to hear all those nice things about my adorable littles.  Yes, I can hear J cringing.  He can deal.

I dream of Sunday mornings that go smoothly. No fighting, no whining or complaining.  No scrambling to find something clean that should have been washed yesterday. No reminding over, and over, and over again to go get ready.

No.  No I really don't.  When we have a smooth sailing Sunday morning, that will mean they're gone or almost. I'm loving right now too much, even though we're in the thick-of-it, to wish it away.

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