Friday, May 24, 2013

Just Three Things

Found this little nugget of wisdom.  Love it!

Just Three Things

Caryl P. Hepworth, “Just Three Things,” Ensign, Oct. 1990, 72
Just get up long enough to do three things; then you can come back to bed, I bribed myself one morning. I had been discouraged with my decreased strength and stamina after an illness, so I had stayed in bed for several days—reading and watching TV by the hour. But now I knew I needed to do something to get going again.
In the beginning, I simply took my laundry and dirty dishes from the bedroom. Gradually I began to actually wash a few dishes, do just one batch of laundry, and clean just one countertop. It wasn’t long until my strength returned and I could quit trying to “trick” myself.
But then I began to find other uses for my “rule of three.” I have always hated ironing, but ironing just three shirts is no challenge at all. Studying just three pages a day got me through an extension class I was taking. And reading as little as three pages of scriptures each day keeps me on track spiritually.
Waiting until I have three errands saves time and gasoline. Making three phone calls in a row dampens my tendency to visit too long. Before I get out of the car, I always check for three things to take into the house. I do the same when I move from room to room. And I often clean three shelves or wash three windows, saving the rest for another day.
When I feel overwhelmed with a job, I divide it into pieces and do just three at a time. If I have a difficult lesson to prepare, I may begin simply by gathering pencil and paper and the books I need. Later, I outline just three pages. Soon the lesson is not only prepared, but I have allowed more time for direction from the Spirit.
Some of my friends say it’s crazy to quit in the middle of a job. I envy their stamina. But Thoreau was right when he said that we each march to a different drummer. Every journey is made one step at a time, and every building is built one brick at a time. Unless you’re running out of time, it probably doesn't matter whether the bricks are all laid in one day—or just three at a time.—Caryl P. Hepworth

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