Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lu's Prayer

I happen to have this notion that Heavenly Father has a very good sense of humor.  I don't mean that in a disrespectful way at all.  I just think once in a while he sits back and has a good laugh over some of the things  we do.

I also firmly believe that kids have a more direct connection with heaven than us older people.  They're still enjoying life pretty simply for the most part.  There's a purity, an innocence, and a sincerity in a child that is beautiful.  I don't really wonder why the Savior gives us the council to "be as little children."  Would that I could.

This leads me to one of Lu's prayers.  She LOVES to pray.  In fact, she gets quite bugged when she doesn't get to pray so we indulge her often.

She is a very smart and capable girl, but she always asks me for help.  I say the words and she parrots them, or most of them depending on her mood.  One night, we knelt around the footstool as a family and her hand shot up when Dad asked for volunteers.  Arms folded and heads bowed, our prayer went something like this...

"Dear Heavenly Father..."

"Thank you for this day."

"Thank you for our family."

"Thank you for our blessings."

At this point, I felt her reach out and touch my arm.  She whispered, "I think I've got this Mom."  I'm thinking, super cool!  She's gaining some confidence and she's going to do this by herself!  I expected her to say more of what we always say in our family prayers, which are usually the same flavor slightly mixed from time to time, but still heartfelt.

I was wrong.

She said,  "Um, I want to thank you for Mooses.  I like them because they have big noses and I love them."

Then she poked me and says, "Ok, Mom.  Need your help again."

It was one of the most awesome prayers ever given.  I have no doubt that God heard it and smiled.  Big.

I also have no doubt that God hears all of our prayers.  Big ones and little ones.  My problem is more in the listening.  What a good example my girl is of being thankful for simple things that make you happy, like Moose's big noses.

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